School Council


Chair, Tawnia McQueen

Vice Chair, Kilby Ritchie

Secretary, Amy Power



The School Council is a structured group of parents/guardians, principals, teachers, trustees and community members who together to effectively support and enhance student learning. They provide a method for members of the school community to consult with and offer advice to the principal and the school board.

School Councils are legislated by the Government of Alberta and by law, each school operated by a school board in Alberta is required to have a school council.

Established School Councils:

  • Develop, maintain and reflect the culture of the school.
  • Represent the parent voice in the school community
  • Focus on what is best for all students in the school.
  • Consider the interests of all school stakeholders
  • Plan engagement activities that align with the schools plan and develop a sense of community.
  • Provide a forum for members to participate in an advisory capacity in their local school decision making process for which the principal is responsible. Discussion on topics such as policies, the school education plan, the school budget, assurance framework, etc.

Wes Hosford is very fortunate to have an active School Council and the S.C. executive members represent the parents at large. The School Council Executive members are elected annually during the School Council AGM in May.

As a parent or guardian of a student attending Wes Hosford School, you are automatically a member the School Council. You are able to attend meetings and vote on the decisions made. We would love for you to join us at our next meeting.

Contact School Council

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