Fundraising Society


Co-Chairs, Chantelle Auclair and Loretta Campbell

Vice Chair, Trenna Stott

Treasurer, Erin Ramme

Secretary, Amy Power

Contact the Fundraising Society


Contact School Council

Why Do We Fundraise?

School funding has changed considerably over the years. Our efforts in fundraising help to ensure that our children receive the best opportunities to thrive and succeed in a school environment. Fundraising societies provide a means for parents and community members to provide additional financial resources and support to the school. They serve to contribute to school improvement and/or enhance student learning.

Examples of past or upcoming purchases through fundraising include:

  • Playground Extension
  • Additional technology devices (iPads, Chromebooks)
  • Library Resources
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Water Cooler Filling Stations
  • Outdoor Classroom

Join us at a Fundraising Society Meeting or volunteer to help us enrich your child’s experience at Wes Hosford!